A hike just to the north of Koster, the holy town, why holy? Because its full of holes in the road and on top of that its dirty. The municipal administration here is a total disgrace. But, I suppose, its quiet normal in South Africa now, we have reached bottom. Sorry for this negative outburst, I just had to get it off my chest and what better place to do this than on the Internet.
Right! Who went on this hike? Me, Janine, Jenny, Judith, Frans, Robert and Wynand. Most of us collected there on Friday night and spread ourselves through the camp. I had a hut all by myself, nobody wanted to sleep with me.
And off they go, in the wrong direction, of course. We do this fairly often, a correction was applied and this got us onto the correct path. It took us through typical bushveld, saw no game and got hot and bothered.
One highlight was a walk through a river bed. But that was far too short, the route took us out and up. I stayed in the river bed a bit longer, because that was much more interesting and I feel the trail designer should have made a plan to keep the path in the river bed.
The sun was a killer on that day and there were calls for a short cut back to base. We just had a lunch break at one of the dams and the party split. Some of us went straight up the mountain to the camp, whilst others went on a bit, but than also couldn't stand it any longer. The dam should have invited for a swim, but it was a new dam, the water was extremely murky and did not invite at all.
That way we came back fairly early and whiled away the time by getting into the swimming pool and with me playing wth my new camera, Very impressed with this one, a picture of a butterfly (citrus swallowtail) taken hand held with full zoom from a distance of about 5 meters.
A short hike was announced in the next morning. It took us through the usual bush veld to a dam with a small amount of water, no good for swimming. The most interesting point on this hike was the farmer's scrap yard. Look what I saw there, a pre-war (that is pre the second world war) DKW, an F2 or F3.