Moorfield is a new place for us, it is situated near Newcastle. A lovely place with a number of accomodation options. We stayed in the Tinhouse, it takes nine people and is fully equiped, kitchen, bathrooms, proper beds.
After manouvering around the, sometimes, terible roads we got to the place at sunset on Friday afternoon.
Hiking is quiete nice, there is the 10 km hike around the mountain with not too much up and down. Very pleasant. But, I must report, I only lasted for some distance and had to turn around to save my legs. I think my hiking days are over. Still its a nice venue and I would like to come back.
The manager of the place, Deon, is an interesting person.
As a side line and hobby he is a knife maker. He showed us some of the ones he has made, very impressive.They range in size from small carving knifes to swords and pangas.
Evening entertainment was looking at the Iceland pictures. We had at our disposal a big TV screen which I could drive from my laptop. We also had a CD reader and about 200 DVD's, but were absolutely unable to find a DVD that suited us all. So we just talked and moaned about the state of the country.
Sunday we just walked around the place a bit and packed up and went back home. And look what we saw on the way out, a Aardvark or Antbear. Something that is only seen rarely, it being nocturnal. Here it was sitting in front of the burrow, not perturbed by our presence.